About Kidney Awareness Unit


In recent years, our living standards and lifestyles are changing dramatically, as the nationĄŻs economy continues to develop and progress. Due to the fast pace of life in general; dining out, eating excessively, coupled with lack of exercises, and the extreme demands of most modern day jobs have greatly altered our diets as compared to some 20 or 30 years ago. There are many fast food outlets springing up even in the rural towns and villages; resulting in the rise of numbers diagnosed with diabetes and hypertension today.

Unfortunately, diabetes and hypertension are not just a growing health problem in Malaysia; these two diseases are also the most common contributors to End-Stage Renal Disease (ESRD) ¨C in simpler terms, end-stage kidney failure. According to the 21st Report of the Malaysian Dialysis and Transplant Registry 2013, 56% out of the total 4,522 new cases of dialysis patients are diabetics and 8% are hypertensive.

In order to combat the rising figures of patients suffering from kidney-related diseases, SKF launched the Kidney Awareness Unit (K.A.U.) on 14th October 2015. Our Board Chairman, Temenggong Dato Vincent Lau Lee Ming officiated the launching of the unit to help the public with the following objectives:


Operation Hours:


Walk in on request.


Services Provided:

* Blood pressure checking

* Blood glucose checking

         (RM 3 per test)

* Body composition monitoring

* Free doctorĄŻs consultation

         (by appointment)


Health Screening & Consultation

Health Talk at Primary School

Early detection & prevention through health screenings.


Educate the general public about kidney diseases and a healthy life style.


To delay the progression of kidney diseases.


Give educational talks to primary/ secondary/ college students,


church members, associations, rural folks and others.